+607-558 4286 isijb@utm.my
On 2 June 2024, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) session was held at Setor Pejabat Cawangan Lembah Pantai, involving representatives of the Kg. Pasir community. The session was attended by nine community representatives and focused on identifying and addressing flood issues impacting Kg. Pasir.
Dr. Wan Nurul Mardiah provided a briefing on the necessity of assessing the community’s resilience to climate change. Following her presentation, the community representatives formed groups to discuss issues related to floods, focusing on governance, life and health, and lifelines.
The outcomes of these discussions will be presented and further discussed in a subsequent focus group discussion with stakeholders, local NGOs/CBOs, civil protection groups, and the local government committee at Institut Latihan DBKL (IDB).