+607-558 4286 isijb@utm.my
On 24 May 2024, representatives from Institut Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM-ISI), the Centre for Community and Industry Network (CCIN) UTM, C40 and the Z Zurich Foundation conducted a site visit in Kg. Pasir, Kuala Lumpur. This visit was part of a broader effort to assess and enhance the climate resilience of local communities, particularly in flood-prone areas.
The briefing session took place at the Lembah Pantai Branch Office Store in Kuala Lumpur, involving seven community representatives from Kg. Pasir. The main objective of this initial session was to facilitate a field study aimed at gathering data from the community concerning the frequent flood issues that plague the area. Kg. Pasir has been identified as a significant flood risk hotspot within Kuala Lumpur, needing urgent action.
During the visit, community representatives guided the visitors through the flood-affected areas, showcasing the houses impacted by floods and the location of the pump house. This on-ground observation and community interaction are crucial for developing a comprehensive understanding of the flood dynamics and identifying practical solutions to enhance resilience against climate impacts in these vulnerable communities.